(This list is accurate as of September 23, 2018.)
Some schedules are variable, and locations often vary. Contact the den leader or info@pack862.org to confirm the next meeting date or location.
Lion (kindergarten)
Den 1 (girls): TBD
Den 6 (boys): TBD
Tiger (1st grade)
Den 10 (boys): Second and fourth Wednesdays at 6 PM.
Den 12 (girls): Temporarily meeting with Den 10.
Wolf (2nd grade)
Den 2 (boys): Variable.
Den 16 (boys): TBD
Den 18 (boys): Every other Wednesday at 6:30 PM.
Den 19 (girls): Temporarily meeting with Den 18.
Bear (3rd grade)
Den 8 (boys): TBD
Den 17 (girls): 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, 6:30 PM.
Den 24 (boys): Every other Tuesday at 6 PM.
Webelos (4th grade)
Den 3 (boys): Second and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30 PM.
Den 4 (girls): Temporarily meeting with Den 3.
Den 9 (boys): Second and fourth Wednesdays, 6 PM.
Arrow of Light (5th grade)
Den 7 (boys): First and third Tuesdays, 6:30 PM.
Den 13 (girls): TBD